We made it. whew. Actually the flight was good. We had 4 seats all to ourselves so it worked out swell. Although Zara only slept for about 3 hours out of 8 but we survived. We're over our jetlag and enjoying life.
We've spent a day by the sea, shopped at the lanes, went to the lake district and have ate lots of fish and chips. Tomorrow is a no plan day so we're not sure what we're doing...might shop a bit and Garrett might go with the cousins to the go-karts so could be another busy day.
England has been a wonderful thing for Zara...she has fallen asleep in her stroller 3 times. She isn't getting her usual long afternoon naps but surviving really well without them. She's fallen and skinned her knees, forehead and nose AGAIN. She's seen lots of 'puppies' which are actually cows, ducks, sheep, birds, flowers and bugs.
Meet lots of the friends up north here. Molly, I met Ron and had a good little chat about you! We went to the farm last night for a potluck supper and a game of rounders...there were lots of people, about 60 and LOTS of good food. The weather has been crazy...its REALLLY hot, about 28 degrees today and quite humid but also had a thunderstorm that flooded Wigton...couldn't go to meeting because the farm was flooded but it's already drying up.
Anyways thats about all for now...we'll try to post again before we get back!!
4 days ago
Sweet Ash I'm jelous. Poor Zara but I am glad shes hanging in there im sure she will fall and couple times more she seems to trip over her own feet. Anyways have an awesome time!!!hopefully you can blog somemore:D
Yeah Whatever. I'm SO glad I'm not you.
hurry and come back!!! feels like you've been gone forEVER!!